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Real World Applications of Neural Networks

Real World Applications of Neural Networks

From massive formless artificial intelligence to Data’s “positronic brain” on Star Trek: The Next Generation, neural networks have long played a key part in science fiction’s imagination. However, neural nets are actually far more ingrained into everyday life today in...
Four Societal Benefits of AI

Four Societal Benefits of AI

From Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Karel Čapek’s Rossum’s Universal Robots to the Terminator series and beyond, science fiction has historically cautioned scientists and general audiences alike against allowing artificial intelligence to outpace ethical...
A Brief History of Neural Networks

A Brief History of Neural Networks

Science has often been at its most fascinating when it has helped us better understand ourselves and allowed us to apply that understanding to engineering and machinery, and vice versa. Case in point: neural networks. As the “neural” aspect of its name implies, this...
Three Major Benefits of Voice Recognition Software

Three Major Benefits of Voice Recognition Software

Just a few decades ago, true voice recognition seemed like science fiction. Now, like cellphones and portable scanning devices, voice recognition is beaming down to become an integral part of our everyday life. Here are just a few ways in which voice recognition...